Running for Weight Loss
Weight loss doesn’t begin with running or in gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision, Weight loss we are taking about is about maintaining a healthy weight, because being overweight or obese is closely associated with a host of chronic health problems. To make meaningful and lasting weight loss happen, we need to rewire our biology, which takes time but is more effective. But perhaps more importantly, we also need to understand our equilibrium weight and be realistic about our weight goals.
Running for weight loss is very effective method, with my experience i can say that running will help you to shred those extra fats, but it can not be done be alone with running, you need to focus on your diet, hydration thought out the day and proper sleep, these all are associated with each other for sustainable weight loss.
I also got benefited from below points, i have reduced more than 5 KG weight in 6 months and now after almost a year i am able to maintain that and will reduce few more KGs gradually from here.
Running for weight loss – 3 Important Points
Running –
If You want to use Running for Weight loss than you need to have proper Running workout plan, which are structured workout plan, That plan will have different kind of run workout during the week like Easy Run,Long runs, Interval run, Tempo runs, hill run , core exercises and strength training, this kind of proper workout plan will help in reducing your weight and also help in making you stronger overall. You should incorporate such training plan in your daily schedule to have better results in weight loss by running. If you want You can connect to running coach for free here
Diet –
As you must have heard or read many times that Diet is the important aspects of your weight loss journey, running for weight loss will be more sustainable if you have proper diet plan, diet doesn’t mean you need to stop eating, you need to start eating healthier which is tough task but key to success is proper healthy diet, see you are already spending calories by running and once you start having healthy diet which will bring in healthy calories that will helps your body work efficiently 24 x 7
In simple terms you need to increase you protein intake and reduce your carbs and fat, avoid junk foods and package food, do not go on any strict diet or no need to cut down your calories intake drastically, you need to go slow and build habit of eating healthy, reduce your calories intake gradually.
One more important thing is hydration, you need to keep you body hydrated properly thought the day, this will helps in muscle repair and recovery , you should drink 4 to 5 litres of water daily, in summers you can increase the hydration as per need, you need to keep yourself hydrated during run also, keep water bottle with you or somewhere in your running from where you take sips during the run as well, you can have some electrolytes drink also when there is humid or hot weather.
Proper Rest
You are running for weight loss and you are eating healthy diet but if you are not giving your body proper rest than you might not see the good result which you are expecting, you might feel i am doing all the hard physically and eating right but why i am not getting good result, so you need to ensure good proper sleep of about 7-8 hours at least, this will help your body recover fast from muscle loss and stress from physical activity like running, Proper sleep will make your body fresh and reduces the stress which will help in better weight loss.
You can follow above mentioned points and see the difference in you. Check this short video on YouTube
For Beginners who want to start running please check this it will help you to start the journey
Run Easy and Happy.
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